Support Our Projects!
Resilient Communities has a variety of projects that we've completed, ongoing, in the pipeline, and that need more research and development. To help us further our mission, you can help us fund our projects directly, or contact us to discuss partnering with your organization or institution to assist in the further research and development of an engineering or infrastructure project.
Thank you for your support in our organization's mission and vision!
Call For Donors
Well/Solar Panel Additions in Tassdert, Morocco
Tassdert Youth Association for Development and Cooperation
Total Funds Needed
Resilient Communities is working with the association and government to install solar panels in Tassdert to power their well. The project will also restore the nearby reservoir in efforts to mitigate the recent drought that has overtaken the area.
Total Community Contribution
$5,936 (49.7% Cost-Share)
Life Skills Camp in Foum Jemaa, Morocco
Partners: Rachid Mousaoui, Oued Elabid High School Teacher & Moroccan Ministry of Education
Three-Month Life Skills for and a final 10-day cultural exchange camp around Morocco. The camp will serve the 60 rural Moroccan students aged 12 to 18.
Workshops: $5,000
Camp: $5,900
"Zwin-Up" Activity in Tameslouht, Morocco
Partner: Association Youth Without Border for Development & Alibdai Artisan Cooperative for Pottery & Ceramics in Tameslouht
Popular ongoing streetscape improvement project that has involved American exchange students and the Tokhribine neighborhood. We have done three activities and placed 120 pots.
Projects to Come!
Measuring the Calorific Value of Methane Gas from the Wastewater Treatment Facility
Partners: International Agency for Potable Water, National Office of Water and Sanitation, Cadi Ayyad University, The Study and Research Center for Energy and Water, & Tameslouht Local Government
Agreements have been obtained to begin testing the amount of gas created and its combustibility. We need support to analyze the gas with a small-batch bio-reactor. This gas can be used to power the pottery kilns.
Materials Testing of Combustible Bio-Bricks for the Pottery Kilns
Partners: Tameslouht Cooperative for Ceramics & Tameslouht Local Government
We need the support to test compositions for making the most efficient bio-brick from solid waste and organic matter. This renewable energy will be used to fuel the kilns.
Processing of Olive Oil Wastewater into Organic Soap
Partners: Cadi Ayyad University & The Study and Research Center for Energy and Water
This project can be a great university student project to test and design a system. The R&D will help many olive oil regions of Morocco with mitigating the harmful wastewater by-product.
Camp Day in Agoundis Valley!
Partners: Aguerda Association for Development, Ait Moussa Association for Development, Atki Association for Development, Local Government, & American Language Center Rabat's Community Service Program
Over 30 Volunteers implemented activities for kids 4-7 and 8-12 in Aguerda, Atki, and Ait Moussa, and also a workshop for teenagers and women in Aguerda.
Women's Empowerment Workshops & Classroom in Aguerda, Morocco
Partners: Aguerda Association for Development & New World Villages
RC helped design and facilitate workshops to guide the women in Aguerda in the establishment of their own cooperative.
With funding from NWV, we also fixed-up the women's classroom space.
Rehab Construction & Equipping of Kindergarten in Aguerda, Morocco
Partners: Aguerda Association for Development & American Language Center Rabat's Community Service Club
With Volunteers from the ALC-CSP, RC planned the rehab construction of the mosque roof, an unused kindergarten, and the painting of two existing primary schools in Aguerda and Taghorghist.